Legends Rerolled

MiW Chapter 12: "What is Grey, If Not a Sad Silver?"

Legends Rerolled Season 2 Episode 12

The party has a minute to breathe for the first time since starting their adventure. Crack and his boys take the day for recon so the Misfits take a day trip to the Master of Glass’ abandoned workshop. Feeling relatively safe, they are able to discuss and reflect on the journey so far only to discover that they might have more in common than they realized. There are also a lot of jokes about glass blowing equipment, which is fun.

A very special shoutout to our friends over at Fantasy Pants: A DnD Adventure Podcast. Their immersive storytelling and unique world building will keep you coming back for more! Make sure you check out their one of a kind homebrew adventures and show them some love. 

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Episode 1 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0v693vIGS5Ku6acGeKfpDu?si=a4e28295e208480e


Game Master...Celine Trella

Malcolm Glass...Jake DiBlasi

Quip Buttfore…Sean Dougherty

Stevie Harrington…Monica Galarza

Korvis…Ted Sikora


Theme Song...Ryan Logan

Score...Jake Diblasi, Rafael Miranda, Justyn Trella, Kevin O'Leary, and Monument Studios

Editor...Sean Dougherty

Audio Producer…Celine Trella

Cover Art...Matt Macri

Character Art...Steph Catalioto 

Sound Effects…Monument Studios

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