Legends Rerolled
A TTRPG actual play podcast that explores new twists on old classics.
Legends Rerolled
MiW Chapter 5: "Spilling the Tea"
“The time has come, the DM said, to play out many scenes. You’ll learn of tea and muchness bets, of Jackolytes and Queens. And when Mal’s sister came through here and what this whole thing means”
Our heroes make their way to the Hatter’s tea party and it’s a lot more than they expected. Stevie tries to get some intel and two of our heroes are mistaken for someone else.
Game Master...Celine Trella
Malcolm Glass...Jake DiBlasi
Quip Buttfore…Sean Dougherty
Stevie Harrington…Monica Galarza
Korvis…Ted Sikora
Theme Song...Ryan Logan
Score...Jake Diblasi, Rafael Miranda, Justyn Trella, Kevin O'Leary, and Monument Studios
Editor...Sean Dougherty
Audio Producer…Celine Trella
Cover Art...Matt Macri
Character Art...Steph Catalioto
Sound Effects…Monument Studios